How to Use This Website
General Navigation Information
What do you sell and how do I find what I want? (PRODUCT INFORMATION button on Main Menu)
I know the acronym but need to know the full name of the symptom inventory.
Click the Product Information button on main menu bar and then from the drop down menu click the Acronyms link.
What symptom inventory is most appropriate for a specific age group?
Click the Product Information button on main menu bar and then from the drop down menu click the Products by Age link.
Where can I get a detailed description of a specific symptom inventory?
Click the Product Information button on main menu bar and then from the drop down menu click the Product Descriptions link.
How do I find a symptom inventory for a specific disorder such autism?
Click the Product Information button on main menu bar and then from the drop down menu click the Products for DSM-5 Disorders link.
What translations are available?
Most symptom inventories are available in Latin American Spanish and can be purchased directly from the Shopping Cart. Contact Checkmate about the availability of translations in other languages. Click here to access to an annotated bibliography of research studies that used a symptom inventory and notes the use of non-English versions where appropriate.
Does Checkmate sell computer scoring software or computer-assisted test administration software?
Checkmate Plus does not currently sell software for download on personal computers. However, online scoring and administration systems are currently under development.
Are the symptom inventories valid and reliable? (RESEARCH button on Main Menu)
The reliability and validity of the symptom inventories are described in detail in their respective manuals that provide information about convergence and divergence with similar and different measures; ability to differentiate relevant clinical and non-clinical populations; intercorrelation among diagnostic subscales; internal consistency reliability (Chronbach's alpha); test-retest and inter-rater reliability; and so forth.
In addition, by clicking the Research button one can access an extensive annotated bibliography of research studies that used at least one Checkmate symptom inventory. Each of these studies provides findings that inform at least some aspect of reliability or validity.
How do I buy stuff? (STORE button on Main Manu)
I know what I want, where do I buy?
Click the Store button on the main menu bar or the Buy Now button on the Home Page.
How are shipping costs to addresses inside the continental United State determined?
Shipping costs are included in the purchase price.
Shipments outside the United States.
Please contact us for shipping costs outside of continental United States.
Do you have computer software or online products?
Checkmate does not currently offer computer software or online scoring or test administration services at this time. However, these services are currently under development. When available, click the Online Assessments button on the main menu bar to lean more about them.