Symptom Inventories for Multiple Uses
In a mental health setting, the clinician can either (a) ask the parent or teacher each question and record the respondent's answer, or more efficiently, (b) simply ask the informant to complete the rating scale prior to the clinical interview and then review the answers with the youth’s caregiver and ask more detailed questions about symptoms that are indicated as being a problems. The items in Checkmate Plus Symptom Inventories are grouped according to diagnostic category, thus facilitating a thorough and orderly interview, helping to detect comorbid conditions and simplifying differential diagnoses and scoring.
In a school setting, the school psychologist can use the Symptom Inventories to evaluate emotional and behavioral symptoms among children and adolescents who are being considered for special services. They can also help to determine whether a student should be referred to a qualified mental health professional for a more in-depth evaluation.
In a general medical practice, the Symptom Inventories can help the physician to identify the specific emotional or behavioral problems that are of concern to parents. The physician can easily decide whether referral to a mental health professional is appropriate.
Symptom Inventories can be used to assess response to intervention and monitor clinical progress over time. As these measures are based on items from longer, broadband symptom inventories, they provide continuity across the various stages of clinical management.