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Adolescent Symptom Inventory-4R



The Adolescent Symptom Inventory-4R (ASI-4R) is a behavior rating scale for evaluating the symptoms of DSM-IV and DSM-5 emotional and behavioral disorders among youth between 12 and 18 years old who are attending middle or secondary school. There are both parent- and teacher-completed versions. The ASI-4R: Parent Checklist contains 120 items for emotional and behavioral disorders, and the ASI-4: Teacher Checklist contains 79 items. For each disorder in the ASI-4R Parent Checklist there is an impairment question (i.e., the degree to which symptoms interfere with the youth’s social or academic functioning). The ASI-4R Parent Checklist can be read to the parent by a qualified clinician thus serving as a structured clinical interview. The ASI-4 can be scored to derive symptom count cutoff scores (diagnostic model) or symptom severity scores (T scores based on a dimensional model). Scoring is quick and easy with user-friendly score sheets.

The ASI-4R assesses symptoms of the following disorders:  *AD/HD  *oppositional defiant disorder  *conduct disorder  *antisocial personality disorder  *generalized anxiety disorder  *social anxiety disorder  *separation anxiety disorder  *schizoid personality  *schizophrenia  *major depressive episode  *persistent depressive mood  *manic episode  *anorexia  *bulimia. There are one or two key symptoms of each of the following disorders: *adjustment disorder  *acute stress syndrome  *obsessive-compulsive disorder  *specific phobia  *panic disorder  *motor tics  *vocal tics  *somatic symptom disorder  *elimination disorders *substance use.


The ASI-4R Parent Checklist and the ASI-4 Teacher Checklist are sold separately in packages of 50 checklists. ASI-4 Symptom Count Cutoff score sheets (categorical model) are included. Parent and Teacher ASI-4 Checklists are available in Spanish and are keyed to the English-language version item-by-item.​

ASI-4R Symptom Severity Profile score sheets (dimensional model) can be purchased for the ASI-4R Parent Checklist and the ASI-4 Teacher Checklist, separately. The Profiles present T scores and corresponding raw scores for each diagnostic category with symptom severity cutoffs. There are separate Profiles for males and females.

The Adolescent Symptom Inventory-4 Screening and Norms Manual reviews DSM diagnostic criteria and describes research, normative data, scoring guidelines, and clinical applications for categorical scoring and dimensional scoring.


The ASI-4R Deluxe Kit contains the Manual, 25 Parent Checklists, 25 Teacher Checklists, 50 symptom count cutoff score sheets (with scoring instructions, cutoff scores, and rule out diagnoses), and 50 symptom severity score sheets (T scores) for both Parent and Teacher Checklists.

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